6 · Audio and Video Features

Web 2.0 Services

For those who have sensory disabilities such as deafness or a hearing impairment and for those who may have cognitive learning disabilities offering alternatives for videos with audio, podcasts or audio files for download is essential. Increased download speeds and more use of multimedia on the web means that additional text transcripts, captioning and sign language must be considered in a way that is appropriate for the content. There should also be mechanisms for the user to pause, stop, or hide moving, blinking and scrolling media both visual and audio as well as to be able to control the frequency of auto updates.

For those who have visual impairments offering alternatives for animations or videos where there are long scenes with no descriptive dialogue is essential. This is particularly true if they are an important part of the web service content. Additional text transcripts and audio descriptions can make this type of media accessible.

Outcomes and Scores

This test has 5 possible outcomes.

Outcome Score
Captions are available or can be added when uploading. Sign language will be commented on. Transcripts and audio descriptions may also be provided. 100%
Possible to access full text transcript or add when uploading. 67%
Possible to access text summary (number of characters may be restricted) or add when uploading. 33%
No alternatives offered for video and audio (e.g. captions, transcripts) or no options to add when uploading. 0%
Not applicable N/A


The results of this test are taken into account when calculating accessibility scores for the following disabilities.


The following techniques may come in handy when running this test.


This test aims to cover the following sections of best practice.

Document Section Heading
WCAG 2.1 1.2.1 Audio-only and Video-only (Prerecorded) More Info
WCAG 2.1 1.2.2 Captions (Prerecorded) More Info
WCAG 2.1 1.2.3 Audio Description or Media Alternative (Prerecorded) More Info
WCAG 2.1 1.2.4 Captions (Live) More Info
WCAG 2.1 1.2.5 Audio Description (Prerecorded) More Info