Sharing Tools
Collaborate and share images, videos and audio - save them and embed them in other Web 2.0 applications or documents and send them on to others. There are many tools that offer these services and more but some are specific to a type such as Flickr for photos or Dropbox for any files.
Product | Last Review Score |
digg | 95% |
Microsoft OneDrive (was Live SkyDrive) | 91% |
Dropbox | 82% |
Flickr | 82% |
diigo | 73% |
Ning | 71% |
Scoopit | 66% |
SlideShare | 66% |
Glogster | 66% |
Edmodo | 64% |
Cafemom | 62% |
Bookr | 60% |
Flektor | 60% |
BubbleShare | 59% |
57% | |
Google+ | 55% |
PBworks (PBwiki) | 55% |
Viewbook | 55% |
CommunityWalk | 44% |
VoiceThread | 40% |