Appropriate use of Tables

Tables can be used to hold data but need to be designed with headers to guide the screen reader user, so that the content makes sense when read aloud.  

Data table example
Name Address City
George Smith 5, Temple Street Southampton
Ann Jones 10, South Street Cardiff

Screen reader reading different table layouts

At one time tables were one of the only ways to offer navigation in a website that was designed into several separate areas.  This has changed with the use of Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) and, when used correctly, these provide a better structure that is easier to navigate.


It is possible to check the code and look out for examples of table elements and attributes e.g. TR, TD, TH and CAPTION or to use the Web Developer toolbar which can show borders around the tables and if you select the issues that occur on the W3C example of an inaccessible webpage you will see the tables that fail with explanations

However, the best method is to listen to the content of the table with a screen reader such as NVDA for Windows, built-in Narrator or Voice Over on Mac



This technique may be used to test the following sections of best practice.

Document Section Heading
WCAG 2.1 1.3.1 Info and Relationships More Info
WCAG 2.1 1.3.2 Meaningful Sequence More Info
WCAG 2.1 3.2.3 Consistent Navigation More Info