Review of Edmodo

Edmodo Reviewed 08 May 2012 · Average score 64%


This site has accessible issues for screen reader users, e.g. the sign up options were unreachable when using keyboard access only. There were also missing labels and alts in forms. Zooming, font, and layout are good, the site is easy to read. \r\n

Detailed Results

# Test Outcome Notes
1 Login, Signup and Other Forms Accessible 0% The sign up options on the home page was unreachable by keyboard access only. There are missing lables to forms.
2 Image ALT Attributes 33% There were lots of missing alts, e.g. in the Settings page.
3 Link Target Definitions 67% Some non-critical links may seem ambiguous.
4 Frame Titles and Layout 33% An iFrame has been used in the settings page, it was inaccessible by keyboard only.
5 Removal of Stylesheet 100% The page is still understandable and functional when it is viewed as a linear document, with no styles.
6 Audio/Video Features 67% Generally does not have multimedia as text based although videos and graphics can be added by users.
7 Video/animations - audio descriptions 67% Generally does not have multimedia as text based although videos and graphics can be added by users.
8 Appropriate use of Tables 0% The Calendar page was build with data table, and it was inaccessble for screen reader users.
9 Tab Orderings Correct and Logical 67% Tab order is generally correct and logcal. There is no \\\"skip to content\\\" link provided.
10 Page Functionality with Keyboard 67% Some links are unreachable without the use of mouse.
11 Accessibility of Text Editors 100% This site has no rich text editor.
12 Appropriate Feedback with Forms 100% The product provides suitable feedback when the user performs an action.
13 Contrast and Colour Check 67% Contrast ratios are adequate, but some non-critical text may be hard to read due to the colour used - for example light grey on white background.
14 Page Integrity when Zooming 100% Good zooming and easy to read with enlarged fonts.
15 Text size, style, blinking elements and Readability 100% No flashing or blinking content. Easy to read with clear layout.